Year 6 Trip To The Warning Zone
On Monday 8th January, Year 5 and 6 children attended ‘Warning Zone’ in Leicester. They learnt about a range of dangers and how to stay safe. The children showed great maturity in their listening skills and through the questions they asked, and as always, their behaviour throughout the day was nothing short of exemplary.
In small groups, they learnt about how to deal with peer pressure and what to do if they find themselves in an uncomfortable situation. The children also learnt about anti-social behaviour around places such as building sites and railway crossings, and the consequences this can have towards others. They watched real-life scenarios and these messages provoked some deep questions and discussion.
In the afternoon, the children learnt about e-safety. They participated in a range of hands-on, engaging activities and discussed key terminology including grooming, phishing, trolling and ghosting. The message of ‘tell a trusted adult’ was regularly reinforced, and the children learnt about the different ways that they can stay safe online.
Ayscoughfee Hall School would like to thank the volunteers for their amazing work, and the children thoroughly enjoyed learning about ‘dangers and safety’ from the Warning Zone team.