Anti-Bullying Week
This week in school is Anti-Bullying Week. During the week we will be carrying out anti-bullying activities in class to come together and reach out to help stop bullying. We have started the week off with an Odd Sock Day where the children and staff have come to school wearing odd socks, highlighting the message “All Different…. All Equal”.
Throughout the week, as part of a local schools competition, all year groups will be designing anti-bullying posters. On Wednesday ten chosen entries will be sent to a ‘buddy’ school whose Headteacher and School Council will award certificates to the best three posters. Posters from across all local schools will then be shared and displayed in participating schools.
Our Kindergarten children have already been busy learning what our hands and feet are for. They have listened carefully whilst their teacher read them the books, 'Hands Are Not For Hitting' and 'Feet Are Not For Kicking'.
We are very excited to be involved in Anti-Bullying Week and the local school’s poster competition. Well done to our two School Captains for their involvement in organising and running the competition within our school.