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Ayscoughfee Hall School


Hall School

Term Dates

2024 - 2025

Autumn Term  
Term Begins Wednesday 4th September to Friday 11th October 
Half Term  Saturday 12th October to Sunday 27th October 
Term Begins Tuesday 29th October to Friday 13th December 
Christmas Holidays

Saturday 14th December to Sunday 5th January 

Inset Days Monday 2nd September, Tuesday 3rd September and Monday 28th October
Spring Term  
Term Begins  Monday 6th January to Friday 14th February 
Half Term 

Saturday 15th February to Sunday 23rd February 

Term Begins  Monday 24th February to Friday 4th April 
Easter Holidays Saturday 5th April to Tuesday 22nd April 
Summer Term  
Term Begins  Wednesday 23rd April to Friday 23rd May 
Half Term  Saturday 24th May to Monday 2nd June 
Term Begins  Tuesday 3rd June to Friday 11th July 
Summer Holiday  Saturday 12th July to Wednesday 3rd September 
Inset Day Tuesday 22nd April

 2025 - 2026

Autumn Term   
Term Begins  Thursday 4th September to Friday 17th October  
Half Term  Saturday 18th October to Sunday 2nd November 
Term Begins  Monday 3rd November to Friday 12th December 
Christmas Holiday  Saturday 13th December to Monday 5th January 
Inset Days Tuesday 2nd September and Wednesday 3rd September
Spring Term  
Term Begins  Tuesday 6th January to Friday 13th February 
Half Term  Saturday 14th February to Sunday 22nd February 
Term Begins 

Monday 23rd February to Friday 27th March 

Easter Holidays  Saturday 28th March to Monday 20th April 
Inset Day  Monday 5th January
Summer Holiday  
Term Begins  Tuesday 21st April to Friday 22nd May 
Half Term  Saturday 23rd May to Sunday 31st May 
Term Begins Monday 1st June to Wednesday 15th July 
Summer Holiday  Wednesday 15th July to Wednesday 2nd September
Inset Day Monday 20th April 





Please Note
  • School Fees are due three times per year by the first day of the Autumn, Spring and Summer term.
  • The required notice for withdrawal of pupils is one full term.
  • The school year is split into six periods to parallel Lincolnshire State Schools.
  • We would request that parents try to avoid taking their child out of school in term times. If it is unavoidable please request a Leave of Absence Form from the Headteacher for consideration.



Welland Hall, London Road, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2TE

Tel: 01775 724733

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